

AIOI has built GTP system combining AGV x Projection Picking System to improve productivity and accelerate labor/manpower saving in logistics warehouses and streamline the work station area.

Experience and tour available at both AIOI showroom and Sagamihara LaaS Center

AIOI Systems Co., Ltd. (“AIOI”; headquarters in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan), which develops, manufactures, and sells logistics systems to support Digital Transformation in logistics and manufacturing industry, in collaboration with Geekplus Co., Ltd. (“Geekplus”; headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan), a provider of AGV, has started offering a GTP (1) system combining AGVs and GTP solution that combines Projection Picking System (“PPS”(2)).

(*1) GTP: Goods-to-Person is a warehouse automation solution in which products are brought to a person by AGV or Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs).

(*2):Projection Picking System PPS
PPS stands for Projection Picking System, a next-generation picking and sorting operation support system using projection image. It uses image recognition and sensor recognition technologies, and is also equipped with a Poka-yoke (mistake proofing) function. By utilizing a projector, the system can provide easy-to-understand operation instructions using images, video, and sound. Used in a variety of industries and sectors, PPS is widely used in the food, apparel, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing industries, etc. Combined with material handling robots and automated warehouses, PPS contributes to increased efficiency, improved operation accuracy, and labor savings in the operations after putting out goods.

<Actual site photo: SBS SAN-AI LOGISTICS Co., Ltd. Logistics Center Ichinomiya>
Case study video:
Geekplus AGV transporting shelf to the station.
AIOI PPS illuminating the location of the goods to be picked up.

■Development Background and Specific Benefits
The GTP system developed by AIOI and Geekplus has been in operation at the Logistics Center Ichinomiya (Ichinomiya-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan) of SBS SAN-AI LOGISTICS Co., Ltd. since September 2023.

-Development Background-
In the recent logistics industry, the introduction of AGV has been increasing due to the chronic labor shortage, long walking distances for picking operators in large warehouses, and the fluid increase and decrease in the amount of goods.
Even at sites where AGVs have been introduced, there are still issues with operations after the goods have arrived at the operator’s workstation. When picking items from shelves, operators cannot instantly determine which item to pick from which location based on the information just displayed on the display monitors, which causes them to spend time searching for the item. This time was a factor in the loss of productivity, especially when handling small items and sundries merchandise, because the frontage of the shelves is divided into many and small sections.

-Solution contents and specific benefits-
When the AGV arrives at the workstation, PPS directly illuminates and indicates the location of goods to be picked. The combination of AGVs and PPS not only saves manpower and reduces workload, but also enables more efficient operation and fewer errors by navigating the picking process within the station.

Improvements around GTP stations”PPS connecting AGV robots and humans.”


  1. AGV transports a shelf of goods to the workstation.
  2. PPS illuminates the location of goods in the shelf to be picked and projects the information in an easy-to-understand manner to operators.
  3. The operator picks the item as instructed by PPS. If the operator picks items from wrong location, PPS alerts operator by sound and light.
  4. The shelf where the goods have been picked is automatically moved out of the station by AGV.Picking operation will start on the next shelf that was waiting next position.
  5. Continue with steps 1 through 4 thereafter.

■About the warehouses available for experience tour AIOI Showroom
The showroom displays solutions for improving productivity and eliminating errors by using digital integration systems. Visitors can view both case studies and actual equipment to learn about systems tailored to their site. We also have a “LIVE Showroom” that can be conducted online, allowing visitors to experience the showroom anywhere in the world as if they were actually there. We consider the showroom as a “place of communication” to connect with our customers. AIOI supplies products that support Digital Tansformation in logistics and manufacturing industries all over the world, and as a pioneer of Pick to Light systems, we supply them to 73 countries around the world and boast the No. 1 installation record.
Address: Omori Bellport E 9F, 6-22-7, Minami-Ohi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
5 min. walk from JR Omori Station

Application method: From AIOI homepage or by phone (advance reservations required)
Open: Every day except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays and summer vacation
Hours of operation: 9:30 a.m. through 5:30 p.m.

Geekplus Sagamihara LaaS Center
90 Geekplus AGVs and new product PopPick are equipped in over 71,000 square feet logistics center. The center is not just a showroom, but an actual operation site, where visitors can see and experience actual robot operations using GTP solutions.
The Center can also provide customers that are considering introducing a WMS (Warehouse Management System) and other systems necessary for integration, either by supplying them or by bringing their own systems.

Address: SHOPLIST LOGISTICS CENTER 1F/4F, 3977-1 Tana, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan
Application for visit: Geekplus Homepage “Product Inquiry/Mail Magazine Registration/Hiring Inquiry Form”.
Application URL:

■ About AIOI Systems Co., Ltd.
Company name: AIOI Systems Co., Ltd.
Address: Omori Bellport E 9F, 6-22-7 Minami-Ohi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Yutaka Yoshino, President and CEO
Business activities:
・Consulting on logistics and manufacturing related systems and material handling equipment
・Design, Development, Manufacture, Sales, Installation of logistics and manufacturing related system equipment
・Development and sales of packaged software and logistics management software
・Maintenance of logistics and manufacturing related system equipment and software
AIOI System Co., Ltd. is a group company of TOPPAN Holdings Inc.

About Geekplus
Geekplus Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Beijing, China in 2015. It is a unicorn company that has successfully introduced more than 200 companies / 20,000 autonomous cooperative robots globally and has the largest market share in the world. Geekplus Co., Ltd., Japanese subsidiary was established in 2017 and has been successively introduced by major logistics players, with more than 2,000 units installed in Japan.
Geekplus aims to co-create a new logistics standard by utilizing next-generation robotics technology as a solution to the serious labor shortage and rapidly growing demand for logistics.

Company name: Geekplus Co., Ltd.
Address: Yebisu Garden Place Tower 26F, 4-20-3 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative:  Yamato Kato, President and CEO
Business activities: Sales, installation, and maintenance services of automated  transportation robots (EVE)
Providing logistics-related system solutions
