Picking system can be roughly devided into “Pick to Light System”, “Pick by list”, “Voice Picking” and “Wireless Handy Picking”.
Pick to Light systems
Pick to light systems

The illuminated button and displayed number show the location and quantity to be picked. A method of picking made easy and straightforward for anyone.These systems make picking intuitive; operators simply look at illuminated lamps and quantities displayed on digital light modules installed on shelves.These systems can also be paired with material handling equipment such as picking carts, conveyors, and sorters. Wireless systems that accommodate free location also exist.
Projection Picking System(PPS)

A method of projecting location and quantity to be picked. This method is ideal for shelves with small locations. Reliable error-proofing can be achieved by pairing the systems with image recognition or sensor technology.

A method for quickly inspecting (checking) work performed through Pick to Light systems. Checks can be made by scanning item barcodes or through weight inspections linked to scales.
Put to Light Systems (Put to Light Method)

Digital light modules are installed on gantries and shelves prepared for each store or recipient. The work is straightforward; operators simply place the quantities displayed on the modules. This method is widely used in pass-through rattling centers (TC).
Cell Production System (Digital Stand)

A method for assisting a single operator with primary part assembly. This method is used in fabrication/assembly processes that precede input into plant assembly lines. Light modules are installed at each container set up on the stand to facilitate the pickup from the parts containers. The operator assembles the parts by following the lamps that light up in the order of assembly and picking up the displayed quantities.
Picking Cart

A method of picking in which operators push a cart with boxes on it, and put objects that they pick into the boxes. Our customers have come up with creative improvements such as installing tablets and scanners as well as the batteries to power them, and using wireless light modules.
Pick by List
A method in which operators pick manually from a list printed from the order receiving system.This is an extremely labor-intensive method because operators must remember the locations of the items and visually check the lists to confirm that they have picked the correct items.

Voice Picking
A method of picking according to instructions delivered via headset.
Destinations and quantities are described concisely and directly, but there are problems: for example, some operators do not hear or understand instructions as well as others.

Wireless Handy Picking
A method of picking using handy terminals. This method is optimal for inspecting items while picking, but can take too long for picking large quantities of small products if not paired with another method. This method can be paired with Pick to Light systems.

Automatic Picking
A method of picking that relies on fully automated sorting. The case picking process can be fully automated, but piece picking requires manual labor; therefore, this method can be paired with digital assorting. Also, large spaces are required to install the machines.